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Anchor attendance

Student Attendance

A central belief underlying student development philosophy is that learning can and should occur anywhere on the college campus. This learning involves not only the intellect but also the emotional, social, physical and ethnical development of college student. Exposure to new ideas, different philosophies, people of various backgrounds, contrasting moral and ethical questions, and the challenge of new experiences adds to the development of the whole student.

We believe that to benefit from this philosophy, students need to be present, active, and engaged participants in their learning and their courses. Any absence from class should be communicated with the instructor as soon as possible, prior to any missed work or class meetings.

Courses with Scheduled In-Person or Remote Class Meetings:

Students are expected to be present for all scheduled class meetings and will be held responsible for any work missed as a result of absences or tardiness. 

A student who has not attended scheduled class meetings and does not communicate with the instructor over a period of 7 consecutive days, may be withdrawn from the course due to lack of participation.

Courses with Asynchronous, Online Components without Scheduled Class Meetings:

For online/remote learning, a student must demonstrate ongoing participation in the Learning Management System (Brightspace).

Ongoing participation means students must maintain regular communication with the instructor and meet specified course assignment deadlines.

A student who is not active in the course and does not communicate with the instructor over a period of 7 consecutive days, may be withdrawn from the course due to lack of participation.

Some courses and programs may have more stringent attendance and participation requirements. Please refer to your individual course syllabus for course specific attendance and participation expectations.

Absences because of approved college purposes or pre-approved religious observances will result in no direct absence penalties.

Students will be allowed to make up work missed as a result of approved absences or do alternate assignments. 

Absences due to other circumstances such as military deployment, jury duty, volunteer emergency service in accordance with Illinois law, or documented disability or illness related needs should be discussed with the instructor and appropriate dean to determine whether exceptions to the attendance policy should be made or tuition refunds considered. 

Students must consult with their instructor(s) in advance about each instructor鈥檚 requirements for making up missed course work for the aforementioned absences. 

Each semester, the Athletic Department and Running Start Program send student evaluation/grade forms on InfoShare in efforts to monitor student academic progress. 

Please refer student athlete attendance concerns to the Athletic Department. 

Anchor withdrawal

Class Withdrawal Policy

Class withdrawal policy is effective for the Academic Year 23-24.

It is the primary responsibility for the student to withdraw him or herself from a course.  

Withdrawing from a course could have financial aid implications, so please discuss with an advisor and/or financial aid prior to submitting a withdrawal for a course. 

Tuition refunds only apply during the first eight calendar days from the course start date.

If a student wishes to withdraw from a class, the student must submit a Drop/Add Section Change Form to the Enrollment Services office in person or complete the process online on eSTORM. 

Students should not assume they are withdrawn from a class in good standing if they do not attend the class. Drop/Add Section Change Forms are available in the Belleville Campus Enrollment Services office, the Sam Wolf Granite City Campus offices, or online via eSTORM.

Students who submit withdrawal notification by mail will be withdrawn from class as of the postmark date on their notification.

Withdrawals will not be accepted by telephone.

Deadlines for withdrawal are based on the meeting patterns of the class.

Withdrawal deadline for classes scheduled to meet seven days or longer reflect 67 percent of the scheduled meeting patterns.

Withdrawal deadlines for classes scheduled to meet one to six days are one day prior to the first meeting date. Students should refer to their eSTORM schedule and/or syllabus for specific withdrawal dates.

Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn by an instructor with an effective date prior to the withdrawal deadline date will receive a W. 

With administrative approval, the instructor may assign a W or a WF grade after the withdrawal deadline for extenuating circumstances only which are defined by Board policy.

Anchor drop

Drop/Add Notice from Enrollment Services

Both students and instructors receive correspondence concerning changes in student enrollment.

Student Add/Drops:

Advisors can enroll students two days after the class has started without Instructor approval. After this time period, students need permission from the Instructor or Department Chair and Dean to late enroll in a course.

Variable class withdrawal deadlines apply and are based on the meeting patterns of the class. Students should refer to their schedule in their Student center for specific dates.

Anchor incomplete

Assigning a Grade of Incomplete 

A grade of 鈥淚鈥 (Incomplete) may be assigned to students only to make up work missed for legitimate reasons.  It may not be used to allow students to improve a grade.

Students who are enrolled in courses that require successful completion from the class in which they are receiving an Incomplete grade as a prerequisite will automatically be dropped from those courses once an 鈥淚鈥 grade is assigned. 

A grade of 鈥淚鈥 will automatically roll to an 鈥淔鈥 if remaining coursework is not submitted within the timeframe set by the instructor not to exceed 100 days. 

Final grades (A, B, C, D or F) must be submitted to Enrollment Services using an electronic Grade Change Form.  Once the 鈥淚鈥 grade is changed, the assigned grade will be calculated into the cumulative grade point average. 

After the work is completed, the instructor should initiate an electronic .  Students who are unable to complete the work within the authorized time limit may submit a written request to the instructor for an extension. 

If approved, the instructor should submit a memo to the Dean requesting that the grade of 鈥淚鈥 remain on the student鈥檚 record during the approved extension.

Anchor Credit Hour Assignment Policy

Credit Hour Assignment Policy

This policy confirms the definition of the requirements to earn credit hour (s) at 色中色 and applies to all for-credit courses and to all developmental education courses. 

The policy identifies the amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement in relation to all types of courses, regardless of delivery model (in-person, hybrid, online, laboratory, distance education, apprenticeship, independent study, etc.). 

Courses are evaluated for appropriate credit hour assignments using SWIC鈥檚 credit hour calculator that follow the course syllabus, learning objectives, outline of topical units of study, and method of evaluating student performance. 

The Office of the Chief Academic Officer will maintain the credit hour calculations for each course once approved by the college鈥檚 Curriculum Committee.

1. Face-to-Face, Online, Hybrid, Lecture/Lab, Distance Education

The credit hour policy for online courses, hybrid courses, and/or lecture/lab courses is consistent with the standards for courses offered through face-to-face instruction, although some or all of course content and faculty-student interaction occur through one or more forms of distance education.

The content of online courses shall closely approximate that of corresponding onsite courses, with consistent learning outcomes and student participation expectations. 

Accordingly, online courses shall be assigned the same number of credits as the corresponding in-person or hybrid course.

2. Definition of Credit Hour

A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement. 

A credit hour approximates one hour (or 50 minutes) of classroom time and two hours (100 minutes) of out-of-class student work each week in a 15-week semester or its equivalent.  

At least an equivalent amount of work (in class and out of class) is required for other academic activities including laboratory work, internships, clinicals, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours. 

Therefore, credit hours for courses shall be determined on the basis of an expected 45 hours of combined classroom/laboratory and study time for each semester hour of credit.

3. Varied Class Length

Credit hours may be earned in short sessions (summer sessions, intersessions, weekend sessions, etc.) proportionately to those earned for the same course during a traditional 15-week semester, normally at no more than one credit per week of full-time study. 

Courses offered over a period of time other than a traditional 15-week semester will require the same amount of classroom and out-of-class work per credit hour as is required of semester-long courses.  

The same amount of work will be distributed over a shorter period of time and may be allocated in various ways.

Anchor Credit Hour Procedure

Credit Hour Procedure

The Curriculum Committee at 色中色 follows credit hour policy in its evaluation and approval of its courses to certify the standard for student learning for courses.

The current procedure to determine that courses are being assigned the correct number of credit hours is part of the Curriculum Committee guidelines and protocol checklist to add or revise a course.

All accompanying materials are saved, through Curriculum Committee minutes and packets for all of its courses, for review and subsequent checks to comply with credit hour policy and maintain consistency through all course modalities.

  1. An originator, usually a Chair/Coordinator on behalf of a department, will propose an addition of a new course or a revision of an existing course to an Instructional Division Dean.
  2. The corresponding Divisional Dean will endorse the curricular change and write a memo to the Curriculum Committee that contains the additions/changes and the appropriate ICCB form(s), syllabus, and credit hour calculator. The latter two items are reviewed for time and assessment.
  3. Specifically, the credit hour calculator comes with instructions for faculty, chairs/coordinators, and Deans to follow
    1. These come from the ICCB System Rules Manual regarding student time
      1. two hours outside of class for each one lecture classroom contact hour
      2. one hour outside of class for every two laboratory or clinical classroom contact hours
      3. 30-60 clinical contact hours are required for the student to be awarded one course credit
      4. iv. 75-149 internship contact hours are required for the student to be awarded one course credit
    2. The level of reading material and reading level of students in the calculator is a scientific-estimate predetermined by the US Department of Education, which results in a calculation of average pages per hour
    3. Then, lecture and lab hours for the time in which the student should be in class, including asynchronous contact, is entered 鈥 for clinical and/or internship hours, a determination of total contact hours that the student should be in attendance at the worksite is entered, which is divided by the number of weeks the student attends the worksite to meet the course requirements
    4. Then, syllabus items are entered for successful out-of-class student expectations inclusive of reading assignments, preparation time for assessments, laboratory activities, and/or hours spent at the worksite
    5. A calculation is made of the difference of total and required hours 鈥 this difference must be less than 15 hours as anything equal or greater than 15 hours would signify a potential adjustment in credit hours
  4. The Curriculum Committee (comprised of faculty, staff, administrators, and the CAO) has two weeks to review the materials, ask clarifying questions, and then vote on the addition or revision to the course. Considerations during this review include, but are not limited, to:
    1. Review of the Credit Hour Policy
    2. Certificate programs that consist of 50% or more content that does not exist in a current degree program or are Title IV eligible (at least 16 credit hours and meets the contact hour requirements required by Title IV) require HLC approval.
    3. The maximum and minimum number of credit hours for a proposed program. Similar curricula at other institutions should be reviewed before submitting new programs or reasonable and moderate extensions for content and the number of required credit hours. Information regarding allowable credit hour ranges is highlighted in the ICCB Program Approval Manual.
  5. The Coordinator of Academic Programs submits new and revised curricula and courses. New courses of any type, modifications to existing courses, and withdrawal of existing courses must be submitted via ICCIS for ICCB Staff review. ICCIS, the Illinois Community College Information System, is the web-based tool that ICCB currently uses for online submission of various additions/deletions/modifications.
    1. Once a course request has been submitted through ICCIS, ICCB staff will review and either approve or request more information. ICCB staff have 30 days to review all requests.
    2. After a course is approved via ICCB, it is put on the 色中色Action Log along with the associated and approved credit hours. The course is then entered into InfoShare by the Coordinator of Academic Programs at the College Catalog level to be available for scheduling and offering by the college.
Anchor Rigor

Academic Rigor Statement

You are enrolled in an academically rigorous college course. Your success in this course will require a significant investment of time outside of the class.

According to the Administrative Rules of the Illinois Community College Board (section 1501.309), it is assumed that the student will invest two hours of outside study time for each hour of classroom lecture time, and one hour of outside study time for each two-hour laboratory session.

If the course you are taking has an IAI Code, it is approved under the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI).

The IAI is based upon the assumption that community colleges and universities are equal partners in delivering lower-division baccalaureate courses.

This course is considered equal in scope, quality, and rigor to comparable courses offered at other colleges and universities in Illinois.

Anchor Conduct

Student Conduct

Student conduct on campus and at all college-sponsored activities is governed by the rules of the community. 

Violations of federal, state and local laws at any college-sponsored activity, on or off campus, will be considered a violation of the Student conduct code and violators will be subject to disciplinary action.

Students in 色中色 classrooms are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the laws and rules of the community and in a manner that facilitates, or at least does not inhibit, the educational efforts of their instructors and peers. 

Under no circumstances, should instructors tolerate either disruptive behavior or academic dishonesty in their classrooms. 

Conduct which is not acceptable to the instructor should be addressed promptly. 

Comments during class may be appropriate or discussion after class or by special appointment may be more suitable. 

In any case, it is best if students are made aware of the consequences of their actions or continued behavior in your classroom. 

Serious matters should be addressed under the Student Conduct Code and may result in significant disciplinary sanctions against the student.

The Student Rights and Conduct brochure is updated annually and displayed as a poster in every classroom, is available at swic.edu, in the office of the Chief Student Services Officer, the Instructional Deans, the Off-Campus Site Coordinator, and is also located in the Student Handbook. 

Each year, revised copies of the handbook will be available to all students at swic.edu or by request in the office of the Chief Student Services Officer.

Anchor dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty

Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism and forgery, failure or refusal to follow clinical practice standards, and soliciting, aiding, abetting, concealing, or attempting such acts.

Plagiarism is defined as the act of representing the work of another as one鈥檚 own.

Plagiarism may consist of copying, paraphrasing, or otherwise using written or oral work of another without proper acknowledgment of the source or presenting oral or written material prepared by another as one鈥檚 own.

Refer to the Student Handbook or College Catalog for more details.

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to produce content and/or research, when an assignment does not explicitly call or allow for it without proper attribution, citation, or authorization, is plagiarism.

Removal from your courses or academic program due to Academic Dishonesty does not supersede the Financial Responsibility Policy.

Anchor Graduation

Application for Graduation

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Enrollment Services office of his/her intention to graduate by submitting a Graduation Application during the last expected term of required enrollment. This Graduation Application can be found on the Student Center鈥檚 Drop Down Menu.

Applications can be submitted through eSTORM or in person at the Enrollment Services office. Students who reach graduation eligibility without having submitted an Application for Graduation may risk not being included in the graduation ceremony.

If your last term enrolled is:

Fall Semester

Apply by

October 15

Spring Semester

Apply by

February 15

Summer Semester   

Apply by

June 15

Anchor Closure

Emergency Closure Statement

Inclement Weather  

In the event of poor weather conditions, the college could be directed to take one of the following actions:

  • Follow the 鈥淪now Schedule鈥 and open at 10 a.m.  See information below.
  • Cancel day classes and reopen for evening classes.
  • Be open for day classes, but close for evening classes.
  • Cancel both day classes and evening classes.

Faculty will provide alternate assignments via D2L Brightspace for any class cancellations due to inclement weather to meet time expectations for the course.

Emergency/Inclement Weather Notification

Faculty and staff will be notified in at least one of the following ways:

Public Information and Marketing will notify the media listed below and send a 色中色Alert.  A message will be posted on the college鈥檚 home page, , and a recorded message announcing the closing or Snow Schedule will be on the college鈥檚 telephone answering system. 

Information regarding the Snow Schedule or the closing of 色中色 due to weather conditions will be broadcast on these stations:


  • FOX 2 鈥 (KTVI)
  • KMOV 鈥 TV Channel 4
  • KSDK 鈥 TV Channel 5


  • KMOX-AM 1120
  • WIL-FM 92.3
  • WHCO-AM 1230


Anchor Alert


This service is designed to notify students and employees by e-mail, or text message on their cell phones, of 色中色campus closures for weather and/or other emergencies. 

Current students will automatically receive messages to their student email address. 

They will need to opt-in to receive text messages.  

This service is free; however, cell phone providers may charge text message fees. 

For more information, or to register for 色中色Alert, or visit  /knowledgebase/swic-alert-for-students/

Anchor COVID-19

COVID-19 Safety Precautions

We strongly encourage you to continue to self-monitor and be diligent in practicing the proper COVID-19 safety precautions (i.e. social distancing, face covering, washing/sanitizing regularly).

If you are experiencing COVID-19 like symptoms, we ask you to not come on campus until COVID-19 can be ruled out by an in-home or health provider COVID-19 test.

Anchor ADA

Disability & Access Center/ADA

The Disability & Access Center is not always notified when students with disabilities register for classes. 

Registration with this office is not required unless students want and request accommodations.  When a student registers with the Disability & Access Center, he/she needs to provide documentation for a disability in order to receive accommodations. 

The identified accommodations have been determined to be reasonable per Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, ADA, the ADA Amendments Act, and the national guidelines from the Association on Higher Educational Disability (AHEAD).

Students with disabilities requiring classroom accommodations will email or deliver an 鈥淎DA Accommodation Plan鈥 to the instructor. 

Either way, students are encouraged to introduce him/herself as a student registered in the Disability & Access Center, present the Plan, and discuss with you the approved accommodation needs if he/she wishes to use accommodations in your class. 

The Plan identifies specific accommodations that the student is eligible to receive in all their classes

Anchor FERPA

Confidentiality of Student Records/FERPA

In compliance with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), a student’s grades or other academic records may not be disclosed or discussed with anyone else (including parents, spouses, etc.) without the written consent of that student. 

Instructors should also ensure that any posting of student grades or distribution of graded material does not potentially violate the confidentiality of student records. 

If grades are posted, an identifier known only by the instructor and student should be used.  Names, social security numbers, and/or student ID numbers may not be used to post grades under any circumstance. 

In addition, the list being posted with individual identifiers should not be ordered alphabetically by name.

For more information regarding FERPA, please view the FERPA information and tutorial on the website: /students/swic-cares-about-you/ferpa/



Everything you put online is there permanently! Imagine how it would sound to someone reading what you write and don鈥檛 forget that most of what you put on the internet is viewed by everyone. 

Think twice and then thrice before posting anything online because you cannot take it back once it is out there regardless of what you did or did not intend to mean.

 Practice standard netiquette:

  • Always be courteous, respectful, and professional when communicating with other classmates and/or professors in an online format. 
  • Remember that facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice won鈥檛 be communicated well in an online discussion board or an email exchange. Say what you mean.
  • Posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting in an online context is not appropriate under any circumstances.
  • Do not use abbreviations like ROTFL since many may not understand this form of communication.
  • Avoid ALL CAPS since it can come across as shouting. 
  • All written communication should use complete sentences and be free of grammatical and spelling errors.
  • The subject line of an email or discussion post should be short and to the point (10 words or less).
  • Avoid oversharing anything personal if you wouldn’t want every person on the planet (the internet) to know it.
  • Copyrighted materials, such as articles and images, should not be shared.  Share the web link or URL only.
  • All source materials should be properly cited to avoid unintentional plagiarism.
Anchor Success

Success Centers

Success Center (/successcenter) are located at the three campuses to supplement and enhance classroom instruction by assisting students in developing the skills and strategies they need to become confident, independent and active learners. 

This is accomplished through a variety of support services, including in-person and online tutoring, workshops, facilitated study groups, computer programs, and instructional resources such as models, microscopes and slides and handouts. 

Success Center Online Tutoring for You (SCOTY)

In addition to in person tutoring, students can access Success Center tutors online through MS Teams during Success Center hours. Students can make a same day appointment for online tutoring through Brightspace.

Online Writing Lab (OWL)

Students can receive online assistance for writing assignments via the OWL. 

Students access the OWL through their Student Center in eSTORM.  Writing tutors will provide analysis and suggestions for improvement of papers submitted to the OWL.

Responses will be made as quickly as possible, ordinarily within two school days.  Faculty members are also encouraged to refer their students to the Success Center for assistance. 

Project Success 

Project Success, SWIC鈥檚 Early Alert System, in collaboration with faculty, assists academically at-risk students. 

Launch Your Success

During the first two weeks of each semester, students can walk into any Success Center to receive help with navigating their 色中色technology such as Brightspace, Teams, eSTORM, 色中色email and any academic technology.

They can also take a free learning profile to understand their strengths and weaknesses on 10 scales indicative of college success along with receiving a free 色中色Student Planner and time management support.

Net Tutor

Net Tutor is a 24/7 1:1 online tutoring resource. Over 500 subjects are within Net Tutor鈥檚 capabilities. Students can access NetTutor after hours regular Success Center hours through Brightspace.

For more information contact:


813-674-0660 x 200


Through regular meetings with a Success Coach, students can identify strengths and weaknesses and, more importantly, methods to address key concerns. This is accomplished through regular one-on-one structured meetings with students in one of several identified areas important for academic success 鈥 ranging from Major and Career Planning to Time Management to Motivation and Networking.

Belleville Campus

Hours at the Belleville Campus:

Fall and Spring Semesters:

Monday & Thursday                    8 a.m. 鈥 6 p.m.

Tuesday & Wednesday                8 a.m. 鈥 7 p.m.

Friday                                           8 a.m. 鈥 4 p.m.

Saturday                                      10 a.m. 鈥 1 p.m.

Location: Liberal Arts Complex, Room 1307

Phone:  618-235-2700, ext. 5495

Summer Hours:

Monday 鈥 Thursday                     8 a.m. 鈥 6 p.m.

Friday                                           8 a.m. 鈥 4 p.m. (computers only)

Closed between semesters for tutoring; however, computer lab is open
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. 鈥 4 p.m.

Sam Wolf Granite City Campus

Hours Sam Wolf Granite City Campus:

Fall and Spring Semesters:

Monday & Thursday                    8 a.m. 鈥 5 p.m.

Tuesday & Wednesday                8 a.m. 鈥 6 p.m.

Friday                                           8 a.m. 鈥 2 p.m.

Location:  Success Center, Room 403

Phone:  618-931-0600, ext. 7307

Closed between semesters for tutoring; however, the computer lab is open Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. 鈥 4 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. 鈥 2 p.m.

Red Bud Campus

Hours at Red Bud Campus:

Closed during summer and limited hours during the semesters.  Students are encouraged to use the online tutoring and the OWL.

Hours of operation are subject to change.

Anchor Safety

Public Safety Policies & Procedures

The Department of Public Safety provides services and programs to assist in establishing and sustaining a college environment that enhances the educational process and facilitates the accomplishment of the college鈥檚 mission and goals. 

We want the 色中色 experiences for students, college employees, and visitors to be safe and pleasant.

色中色 operates as a public community college. 

The facilities are accessible to the public for all legitimate purposes. 

Persons entering or utilizing the facilities are subject to requests for acceptable identification and are required to comply with all rules, regulations and laws applicable to the college.

The department emphasizes preventing crimes and violations of policy and providing numerous services to the college community. 

However, all duties related to the enforcement of Southwestern Student Conduct Code and Illinois Criminal and Traffic Codes are the responsibility of the Public Safety Department. 

The college receives law enforcement support and services from the respective municipal and county law enforcement agencies in whose jurisdictions the campuses are located. 

The Public Safety Department maintains a cooperative relationship with supporting local, state, and federal public safety agencies. 

The Department of Public Safety has offices on the Belleville and Sam Wolf Granite City Campuses. 

Services Provided by the Department of Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety provides the following services:  Student, faculty, staff identification cards, student Metro Link passes, vehicle registration (parking permits), access locked vehicles, vehicle jump starts, personal escorts on campus, CPR/First-aid, Lost & Found, Crime Prevention programs, and Courtesy/Emergency message delivery.

Emergency Message:  The goal is not to interrupt classes but there are cases when classes must be interrupted and your cooperation is requested.  An emergency message will be delivered when information is received and verified by the Public Safety Department that a student must be contacted immediately due to a medical emergency or public safety action.  Examples include but are not limited to death or illness to a family member, and child sick at school or day care.  Classes may also be momentarily interrupted when the public safety department or a local police agency must contact a student due to an immediate law enforcement investigation.

Courtesy Message:  Class will not be interrupted for a courtesy message.  The Public Safety Department will attempt to contact the person before or after class.

Reporting Emergencies 鈥 (See Something 鈥 Say Something)

You play a critical role in preventing and reducing crime in our college community.

The key to crime prevention in the 色中色community is a continuous, active role taken by you regarding your personal safety and security. 

You should function responsibly concerning your personal safety, your personal property and college property entrusted to your care. Do not allow yourself to be found or placed in a situation that leaves you vulnerable to possible bodily harm.

Be alert to and aware of your surroundings. Report suspicious people and activity immediately.

Secure your car, office and other property, and protect them from possible theft or damage by others.

  1. The quickest way to obtain professional help for an emergency is to telephone the Southwestern Public Safety Department when on a Southwestern campus, or call the local police department when at PSOP or an Off-Campus Site.
  2. When calling, stay calm and carefully explain the situation to the emergency operator.  Be sure to provide the location of the incident.  DO NOT hang up the telephone until instructed to do so.

VOIP Phones:

The VOIP phones located in offices and classrooms can be used to dial directly to Public Safety at the Belleville, Sam Wolf Granite City campuses through the soft key labeled 鈥淓mergency Call鈥.

At RBC, the soft key is labeled 鈥淧ublic Safety.鈥  Additionally, the VOIP system also has a feature when you dial 911, your extension, name and location will be displayed on the emergency call number in Public Safety at BC and SWGCC.

Belleville Campus:     

Emergency:     618-222-5555 (on campus only) or Emergency Phones in the Information Sciences, Liberal Arts, or Main Complex building, or call 911Public Safety: 618-222-5221

Sam Wolf Granite City Campus:

Emergency:    618-797-7372 or call 911

Public Safety: 618-797-7372

Red Bud Campus:      

Emergency:    Call 911

Student Development Office:  618-282-6682, ext. 8114

PSOP/Off-Campus Sites:       

Local Police:  911

Scott Air Force Base:

Emergency:    Contact night monitor in Room 67 or call 911

Security Forces, Law Enforcement Desk, 618-256-2223

East St. Louis Higher Education Campus

Call SIUE Police at ext. 8717 or 618-874-8717

Emergency Response Procedures and Guides

Emergency Response Guides are posted in classrooms, office areas, and in the Public Safety offices. (, , )

Evacuation Routes

In case an emergency occurs while classes are in session, faculty should make every effort to familiarize themselves with the posted evacuation routes for each building in which they are teaching.

Evacuation Procedures

  1. Be aware of all the marked exits from your area and building.  Know the routes from your area.
  2. When the building evacuation alarms are sounded or when told to leave, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and ask others to do the same.
  3. Assist the handicapped in exiting the building!  Do not use elevators in case of Fire.
  4. Once outside, move at least 300 feet from the building.  Keep streets and walkways clear of emergency vehicles and personnel.
  5. Do not return to an evacuated building unless directed to do so by Public Safety or emergency personnel.
  6. Account for your students. Students not accounted for should be reported to Public Safety or responding emergency personnel.
  7. Remind students to take ALL personal belongings when they evacuate.

Additional Assistance

Please contact your Department Chair/Program Coordinator or Dean if you have any additional questions, problems or concerns during the upcoming semester.

  • Belleville Campus 618-235-2700
  • Red Bud Campus 618-282-6682 or 618-235-2700, ext. 8114
  • SWGCC 618-931-0600 or 618-235-2700, ext. 7301
  • Industrial Technology Center 618-797-1367 or
    618-235-700, ext. 7475/7476
  • Toll-Free Number 866-942-色中色(7942)
  • St. Louis Number 314-436-3218
  • SAFB  618-235-2700, ext. 5337 or 866-942-7942, ext. 5337

Reporting Sexual Harassment/Misconduct (including Sexual Violence)

Individuals may also report sexual harassment/misconduct, to include sex offenses, to SWIC

Title IX Coordinators

  • Danielle Chambers, Chief Student Services Officer, (618-235-2700, ext. 5566)
  • Jeannie Sommers, Human Resources Generalist, (618-235-2700, ext, 5572)

Crime & Reporting Procedures

Campus Security Policies and Crime Statistics and Fire Safety Report

Pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), previously known as the Federal Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, the Department of Public Safety publishes and distributes an annual Campus Security Report (CSR) and Fire Safety Report (FSR) by October of each year. The CSR lists the campus crime statistics, on campus and surrounding public property, and non-campus facilities, for the previous three years; for example, the August 2020 report covers the years of 2017, 2018 and 2019. 

The CSR/FSR also outlines the Public Safety department鈥檚 authority, security policies, procedures for reporting crime, procedures for reporting sexual assaults/sex offenses and follow-up services, counseling and treatment services, crime prevention programs, accessibility of campus facilities, Substance Abuse Policy, 2008 revisions of the Higher Education Opportunity Act with specific additions to hate crime reporting and emergency response and evacuation procedures, missing student notification and fire safety issues for institutions that maintain an on-campus student housing facility, and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 amendments to the Clery Act, specifically addressing sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.

The can be accessed via the 色中色 website at /students/public-safety/campus-security-reports/, or a copy of the CSR/FSR can be obtained by contacting the Public Safety Department at 618-222-5221, or by writing to the:

Director of Public Safety

2500 Carlyle Avenue
Belleville, IL 62221

SAFB Evening Supervisor: 618-256-4838 or 314-769-4747